
For several years I’ve been working on a large-scale project requiring the production of several thousand pages of drawing. My intention is to create a number of room-sized installations built up cumulatively of hundreds of accordion-style notebooks. Stacked, pinned to the walls serially, and presented as a continuous drawing, each notebook remains a distinct statement or phrase. Together they create a sea of such phrases. The density of line and physicality of the pleated pages generate a strong sense of spatial compression…
Within the pages of the individual notebooks, thoughts, musings, quotes unexpectedly appear, disrupting the obsessive fabric of the drawing. I take the notebooks with me anywhere and everywhere, and pick up wherever I have left off. This diaristic approach yields an ongoing record of the pace and rhythm of my day. An activity of intense accumulation, roaming, gathering, sorting and ultimately displaying data from the minutiae of my quotidian existence is what drives the Notebook Project. The mundane and the exquisite revealed in a single, continuous gesture. I see no traditional endpoint to the project. It evolves as it expands.